
Weeding in the Tillage Field c.1969 by Edward Denniston

Weeding in the Tillage Field c.1969

Drizzly rain in for the day. The young lad,
set to weeding the tillage-patch in the Big Field
beyond the orchard, under the weight of dead-man
Pop Johnston’s coat:

threadbare black Crombie, splashes of dung, long dried,
caked into the sun-bleached weave, the girth
folded over itself, belted and tied with a length
of pungent harness leather;

and a dusty jute sack across the shoulders; around the knees
sacking tied with bailer twine; trousers tucked in
to a pair of Stella’s wellies. For good measure,
Pop’s black sou wester.


There he is, alone, drenched with contentment
at the end of the carrot drills, stood in the ooze of a tractor tram
glancing up to Mc Keogh’s ditch at the headland,
ready to kneel, crawl in the damp gully,

submerge himself beneath waves of dreeping foliage,
soft clothy rain, digging fingers, divining
how roots hold on, exposing dark crumbly soil –
scutch, cress, robin-round-hedge, buttercup, doc.


On hands and knees, I know how happy he was, hidden,
laying down a bed of wilted green between the drills,
breaking the back of the work before he’d hear a voice
calling him for tea, when he’d raise himself

and stretch and turn to look beyond the roof of the house,
when he felt he might for ever after weed drills, felt
effortlessly rooted, attended to and cared for
by the Big Field, and the calling voice

calling him back tugged at imaginings
he hardly knew how to speak. Sometimes
I query him there on the headland,
that young lad, and he just carries on –

hunkers down
in drizzly rain,
crawls into a carrot drill,
is gone to the weeding.

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Vital by Edward DennistonLearn more about Edward on our Contributors’ Page.

Edward’s latest collection, Vital, was published by Compost Poetry and is available here.

(Photo: michelle/ CC BY 2.0)



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