Milk Pricing: A Survey of 5 Economic Communities The price the farmer receives for his milk is his most immediate...
By Noah Litherland, Extension Dairy Scientist, on the topic of dry cow management. I have received a few calls this...
Recently, a team of producers, contract growers, consultants and industry representatives across the United States, who are members of the...
By Marcia Endres, University of Minnesota Extension Dairy Scientist Two recent conferences in the upper Midwest focused on the topic of...
Reproduction on a dairy farm can be a challenge for producers even with the best of practices. There are numerous...
The Minnesota DHIA Herd Summary report has three important tables to check to monitor the somatic cell count (SCC) status...
I recently attended an American Dairy Science Association Discovery Conference titled: “Sustainability in the Dairy Industry”. It was one of...
Generally, there are animals on every dairy farm that end up costing you money rather than making you money. The...
Recently, I have received several reports of low butterfat tests showing up in dairy herds in Minnesota. This is usually...