In my mid-twenties I dated a German girl from a rich family. Her father was appalled that she was with...
The world is smaller than it was several generations ago. It is often said that if a butterfly flaps its...
I could have either chosen to participate in the culture around me, or stayed in my room and watched internet...
“Don’t worry,” I told my girlfriend. “There are a lot eighteen year-olds that live around us. They’ll get eaten first.”...
If there ever was a movie that captured the American spirit, it was Rocky. A no-name working class guy from...
I was admittedly intrigued when an Icelandic farmer told me his town was owned by the mafia. I could imagine The...
The mission of The Milk House is to introduce readers to those who write on rural subjects, and part of...
Farming is an essential part of the human story. Although the number of farmers is declining world wide, many people...
My parents packed their bags and came to visit me on what they termed their “once in a lifetime trip.” ...
Ryan Dennis is the author of The Beasts They Turned Away, a novel set on an Irish dairy farm. He shares...
My father, in spite of himself, scratched the back of the cat’s neck. The cat lifted his head and looked...
It’s getting harder to find what can be called a farm movie. As the number of agricultural holdings decrease, so...