With the staunch resolve of the Agricultural Commission to remove all quotas by 2015, Ireland and the EU is heading...
The recent farm crises found nearly every country or economical union to be petitioned by its farmers and dairy organisations...
On March 15th, 2011, a member of the European Parliament introduced his report of the European Commission’s “Milk Package” meant...
This is the 2nd year that my friend Annie Jansen and I headed to Decatur, Alabama to celebrate the Festival of...
The difficulty of fairly pricing milk has led to many different approaches over the last half-century, most lasting fewer than...
Israeli Dairy Farming: How did a country with the least resources and worse climate create the most advanced dairy industry...
Last month the H-2A improvement act was introduced into United States Legislation by Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY),...
Animal welfare issues in agriculture are becoming more important in today’s society. “Statistically, farm animals comprise 98% of the animals...
Milk Pricing: A Survey of 5 Economic Communities The price the farmer receives for his milk is his most immediate...
The stage has been set. The Higher Level Expert Group on Milk has made 7 recommendations to amend the European...
As Europe continues to shift from the concept of “Multi-functionality”-based payments towards a deregulated free market system, Irish dairy farmers...