That works of draining are most ancient and of divine institution we have the testimony of Holy Scripture … That...
The dog had been missing since morning. It was getting late in the day, but I still wasn’t too keen...
Last days in August The tarmac heats the rubber soles of my boots. It’s hotter here than I had expected...
Lorna Sixsmith is an Irish author and dairy farmer. Her latest book is Till the Cows Come Home by Black and...
When planted, potatoes are laid out in a particular pattern, like the 5 side of a die. Four corners of...
TOBY’S SOLILOQUY To think what stands against me still is not the harm of falling off a ladder at two-storey...
Lyrics: Night Shopping Best thing that happened to mom Was Hy-Vee opening all night long So she could use food...
Scabby Ewe (affectionately known as Scabs or the Scabster) is one of our friendliest sheep. This is her story. In...
This is the beginning of Colin’s novel The Virtues of Destruction, now available on Amazon. * Hidden within one sharp and brooding...
There is a long dusty Kenyan road that carries me to you, Forging a likeness to the same reddened particulate...
Mail frauds, April Fools, and ‘Jaws’ in the toilet An excerpt from Jim Trelease’s family memoir, Looking Backward, used by...
Steven. Steven, is loose. Loose, so I had to go looking for him. I’d been meaning to fix the gate....