The Last Mile I ran from tail flicking Friesians their eyes, pools of nowhere, and when everywhere wore off I...
When They Ring Those Golden Bells Days fall away like apples from October tress cheeks, full and ablush, kissing silver from delicate wrists...
When Bob was married, he went hunting two or three times a year, but just getting out seemed more important...
Exhaust Down the country road I witnessed a lengthy cordial visit. An older man was gabbing colorfully with the farmer’s...
Emerging from the fog bank, the Beatrix appeared before them, a sleeping leviathan suddenly filling their vision in the twilight...
Ciboloto Miss Yang gone to the Western Hemisphere never been back since seeds on her desk have sprouted and grown...
The results are in. The Judge’s Choice and the Readers’ Choice for Best Poem 2023 have been determined. The Milk...
After a successful launch last winter, we’re now upon the second annual initiative to award the best poem published on...
The inaugural Best in Rural Writing Contest has now come to an end. The Milk House is grateful to the...
How peculiar. Before, David had turned off the main road, walked up the potholed lane, climbed over a rickety stile,...
Previously, novelist Gráinne Murphy announced her shortlist of three essays and ten short stories for the 2023 Best in Rural...
The question may be raised why we chose precisely the past of a city to compare with the past of...