Even after so many years, tears still fill my eyes when I think of my brother’s farm accident. That was...
The Parable of the Sower Two trees with bad roots Planted by Lamont, dead six years now He’d have replaced...
We set out on the seven-mile journey from No. 56 to Knockdrin at 7.30 in the morning. The sun had...
Old Man lived at the peak of Ghosten Mountain, not two miles from my boyhood home. Covered in pine and...
Caite McNeil illustrates how some of the best joys in life can be found already around us. And so we...
You never told anyone the whole story about your dad. You let most people think he was little more than...
Mama laid her hands on my belly and told me to count my breath. A breath to the count of...
From the car’s passenger seat, I watch grain fields pass like a movie reel. I’m fascinated by the ocean of...
A Meditation on the Land —remembering a farm foreclosure. For Darrell Ringer, 1953-93 “Thank you,” he said, while the black...
And when this house goes down to wrack and ruin, as it must and will, not just because the brick...
The Rural Literature Book Club is meeting online for the fifth time on Sunday, September 29th, 2024, 6pm GMT/ 1pm EST....
It was the farthest north they had ever been. L’il Markie and Frank traveled with their mom to New York...