There’s a certain point you get to, in middle age or thereabouts, where you start asking yourself questions about times...
This three-part installment follows Donna as she and the surrounding community try to solve what has killed her calf. Donna...
All Flesh Is Grass The days passed quickly, back then, though some hours lingered in that hot hospital room, waiting,...
Like just about everyone else in my suburban neighbourhood, I have a dog. Three times a day, I walk this...
They say you never forget your first time. Mine was so painfully embarrassing that it’s difficult to write about. In...
Ryan Dennis is the author of The Beasts They Turned Away, a novel set on an Irish dairy farm. He shares...
Previously, novelist Gráinne Murphy announced her shortlist of three essays and ten short stories for the 2023 Best in Rural...
In 1980, the year I worked for the Census, there were over 30 days when even the nighttime temperature was...
While reading about Minnesota’s dairy barns collapsing under the weight of snow, I could not but think of my family’s...
Daddy sat up in a tangled mess of damp sheets. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a Camel....
Somewhere in the Blue Majestic. I imagine you proud out there, somewhere high on an Appalachian trail, where the boulders...
They lean. They sink down crumbling round-shouldered. The very air is eating them. Blithe colonies of lichen nibble the fretted...