Early Blueberries by Caite McNeil
Ealrly Blueberries 2 by Caite McNeil
Early Blueberries 3 by Caite McNeil
Early Blueberries by Caite McNeil

Caite McNeil illustrates how some of the best joys in life can be found already around us. And so we can experience that joy, too, she even shares a recipe for blueberry pancakes.

Learn more about Caite on our Contributors’ Page.

(Cover photo by author)

2024 Best in Rural Writing Instagram postThe 2024 Best in Rural Writing Contest is now underway!

$500 first prize, $200 runner-up. $5 entry fee (with a $10 discount on online writing courses).

Accepting fiction and nonfiction under 6,000 words. To enter, click here.

Deadline: September 30th, 2024

The Daily Yonder logoThe 2024 Best in Rural Writing Contest is sponsored by The Daily YonderThe Daily Yonder offers news, analysis and stories from Rural America, free for readers to enjoy. Visit dailyyonder.com to get more great rural stories, or sign up to their newsletter to receive rural reporting directly in your inbox. Alternatively, you can listen and subscribe to their podcast, Rural Remix, wherever you get your podcasts.

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Caite McNeil
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